Attendance Policy

Absence Reporting
Foothill Oaks Elementary School works in conjunction with the Sacramento County School Attendance Review Board (SARB), whose responsibility it is to monitor student attendance. Based on the number of unexcused absences and/or tardies, students may be referred to SARB.
Good attendance has an impact on academic success and helps develop good life-long habits. Additionally public schools’ funding is directly related to the attendance of the students. Each day that your child attends school, the Twin Rivers Unified School District receives monies from the State to educate your child. When your child does not attend any portion of a school day (regardless of excuse) the district does not receive monies for your child for that day. Most importantly, research has proven conclusively that student achievement and learning is directly tied to good attendance!
The following suggestions offer ways to ensure regular attendance for your child:
1. Make sure your child leaves home with plenty of time to get to school. Please remember that students going in late to class lose their learning time and interrupt the learning time of other students.
2. If your child misses a day or more of school, please notify the school by calling the attendance line #916-566-1830 then press option #2 or, send in written confirmation stating the reason for the absence.
Twin Rivers Unified School District Board Policy requires that we have verification of any pupil absence. If the student is out for more than two days, you may call the office before 10:00 a.m. to request homework. Please plan to pick up the homework in the office at the end of the day.
3. Try to schedule medical/dental appointments, and all other personal needs, for after-school hours.
- If you know in advance that you will be taking your child out of school for a trip or other personal reasons, please make arrangement for an independent study program. (See Independent Study section.)
4. If your child has a serious medical condition that may cause several absences, please keep us informed. Documentation from a doctor given to the office would be helpful and is required after a student is absent 10 or more days.
5. If your child begins to miss a lot of school due to a variety of illnesses, make sure they have a check-up. If you feel there may be a possibility of problems at school causing a child to say they’re sick in order to stay home, please schedule a conference with his/her teacher.
6. If you have any questions or concerns about attendance, please call the Office as soon as possible..
State law mandates that schools keep a record of absences. Students are considered truant after:
1. The third unexcused absence.
2. Or a combination of three unexcused absences and unexcused tardies over 30 minutes. Acceptable reasons are the same for both absences and tardies.
The following information/definitions may be helpful in understanding attendance laws:
1. Excused absences are, for example, those due to:
- Illness, medical/dental appointment, quarantine
- Court appearance (child’s appearance required)
- Funeral of immediate family member (3 days out of state, 1 day in state)
- Observance of a religious holiday (needs prior contact with administrator)
Note: If excused absences are excessive, you will be required to provide verification such as a doctor’s note. Exceptions will, of course, be made in case of serious injury or ongoing illness when verified by a doctor.
2. Unexcused absences and tardies are those due to:
- unconfirmed absences for which we have no verification from the parent or guardian
- personal reasons such as trips, non-medical appointments, missing the bus, etc